In the year 2552, humans on the planet Madrigal have been fighting for independence from Earth, but a fatal encounter with the Alien Covenant complicates things. Master Chief John 117 and his super-soldier “Spartans” join the fight. After the battle, Master Chief heads to his home planet of Reach with a Madrigal survivor and a mysterious object he discovered on the planet. But a controversial order has John questioning his mission, and himself.
1 - 1Contact March 24, 2022
1 - 2Unbound March 31, 2022
1 - 3Emergence April 07, 2022
1 - 4Homecoming April 14, 2022
1 - 5Reckoning April 21, 2022
1 - 6Solace April 28, 2022
1 - 7Inheritance May 05, 2022
1 - 8Allegiance May 12, 2022
1 - 9Transcendence May 19, 2022